Create Your Website Design Plan:
A Blueprint to Your Dream Website

Start with a Plan to Unleash the Power of Strategic, Effective, and Stunning Website Design

Are you ready to turn your website dreams into reality? Your journey starts here, with the “Create Your Website Design Plan.” It’s not just another course, it’s your comprehensive guide to making a solid plan for your new or refreshed website that not only looks beautiful but also drives conversions and aligns perfectly with your brand.

What is the Create Your Website Design Plan?

It is a step-by-step, easy-to-follow course that guides you in developing an actionable roadmap for your website. With over 14 years of website design experience, I can confidently say that having a solid plan before you begin makes everything run much more smoothly. In this course, we’ll navigate the planning process and you will develop a tailor-made roadmap that perfectly fits your unique goals and aspirations. 

Picture this:

  • Having a clear path for your website’s journey.
  • Feeling confident that you know your target audience and are ready to connect with them.
  • Overwhelm and indecision are things of the past, thanks to your roadmap.
  • Showcasing your brand with confidence and consistency.
  • Saving both time and money, all thanks to your well-crafted plan.
website design plan imagine this

When you plan your project ahead of time, you’ll be able to dodge pesky feelings of overwhelm, stay on schedule and on budget, and best of all, launch your fabulous website much faster!

website design plan who is this course for

Who is this course for?

  • Aspiring Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners: If you’re planning your first website, this course is your perfect guide.
  • Seasoned Bloggers: Considering a website makeover? Whether you’re planning on jazzing up the look, boosting the functionality, or a total makeover, revisiting the basics and having a solid game plan will make your transformation journey a fun and successful one!
  • Preparing to work with a web designer? This course will help you have everything ready to hand off to your designer and prepare you for a successful collaboration.
  • Design DIYers: If you’re all set to dive in and create your own website, this course offers the roadmap you need before you begin your design journey.

Course Modules

Establishing Goals and Objectives

When you truly understand the purpose of your blog or website, it’s like finding your North Star. No more wandering in the chaos…stay motivated, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements. Life’s too short for anything less than smashing your goals!



Establishing Goals and Objectives

Define Your Brand Identity

When you have a clear brand identity, the world can’t help but take notice. With a well-defined identity, you’ll be the talk of the town, and strategic decision-making will be a piece of cake. Strut your stuff with consistency and cohesion and get ready to stand out in the crowded market. You are not destined to blend in, you were born to shine!!



how to plan your brand identity

Developing Your Design Plan

Discover the key elements that make a website shine and find inspiration that sparks your creativity. You will be making confident decisions on layout and structure, and refining your design plan. Armed with your personalized blueprint, you’ll be fully equipped to collaborate seamlessly with a web designer or unleash your inner design dynamo and fearlessly embrace the DIY approach. You will create a plan for your website masterpiece that is perfectly tailored to your vision and objectives. Get ready to work your magic because, with a well-crafted plan everything falls into place.



can I design my own website

Tips for Launching and Beyond

Be ready to dazzle from day one! You will confidently make your grand entrance with SEO tips, a pre-launch checklist, and a promotion strategy. With post-launch growth tactics up your sleeve, you’ll keep that momentum going and watch your brand flourish like never before. It’s time to launch, slay, and conquer!



Tips for Launching and Beyond


Nailing Your Target Audience

Zero in on your dream reader or customer, understanding their needs, interests, and challenges, to create a site and content that speaks their language and you will hit the bullseye every time. You will become their personal problem solver, delivering tailored solutions that make you their go-to guru. You’ll build a brand connection that sets you apart from the competition and creates a community of loyal fans who can’t get enough of your content. Get ready to dominate your niche.

Nailing Your Target Audience


Crafting Your Visual Identity

Make a lasting impression and grab attention with your visual branding. Become a master of using colors with personality, selecting fonts that speak volumes, and creating a mood board that sets the tone. You will feel confident in choosing a logo style that suits your brand. Get ready to create a visual identity that’s as unique and unforgettable as you are and shows the world what you’re made of.

Crafting Your Visual Identity


Strategizing Your Content

Say goodbye to scattered ideas and hello to a well-structured plan that keeps your audience engaged and craving more. With a strategic content approach, you’ll captivate your target market, establish authority, and drive meaningful engagement. Get ready to take control of your content kingdom and make your mark on the world!

Strategizing Your Content


Complete Notion Workbook

This is not just any workbook—it’s a game-changer! Forget about downloading or printing dozens of PDFs…the Notion Workbook is divided into sections for each module, making it a breeze to keep all your course notes in one place, organize your ideas, and put your plans into action.

It has everything you need to stay on top of your game: including a to-do list to track your tasks and a content calendar to keep your momentum going strong. It’s your secret weapon to put those plans into action!

Complete Notion Workbook

only $127

A rock-solid plan is the key to a website that outshines the competition. Create your unique plan for a website that steals the show!
Don’t let your dream website remain a dream.
Thauna is a branding and design genius! She has really helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my colors and logo. I love knowing that I’ve got a consistent look and I finally feel like I can raise my rates and attract the clients I want to work with.
Jill, Shining Light Digital
Working with Thauna and Bellano Web Studio has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences and I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking to take their online presence to the next level!
Michelle, French for Sugar

You don’t have to do it alone!

I’m Thauna and I have been designing beautiful WordPress websites and branding for over 14 years. I enjoy the tech and the creativity of creating websites that will make you proud to share your URL with the world. You deserve a website that reflects your unique brand and helps you to stand out from the competition.

I’ve been honored to create websites and brands for hundreds of small- to medium-sized businesses. I’ve worked with established bloggers with redesigns to reach their next level of success, such as Good.Food.Stories., Remodelaholic, The Printable Princess, Miss DeCarbo, First Date Stories, and more. I understand the importance of having a website that’s not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to use and navigate that converts!

Bellano Web Studio