Creative Healthy Family
I finally did it! And I want to thank Thauna at Bellano Web Studio for the amazing job. I highly recommend her! She will work with you patiently and paying attention to every single detail.
I finally did it! And I want to thank Thauna at Bellano Web Studio for the amazing job. I highly recommend her! She will work with you patiently and paying attention to every single detail.
Sarasota Beach Weddings offers beautiful, affordable beach wedding packages on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Planning a destination wedding? If a Florida beach is on your list, you need to consider Sarasota Beach Weddings. This project is a Complete Solution package and included new branding. I must say I absolutely love the branding and the…
The Brown Bag Teacher is written by Catherine who is currently teaching first grade. Catherine writes about curriculum, shares what works in her classroom and also offers products on Teachers Pay Teachers. She offers a ton of valuable resources to fellow teachers. The project is a Custom Design, included the logo and was a Blogger…
Fun in First is written by Jodi who is a first grade teacher in Indiana. Jodi has been teaching for 15 years and started out as an Art teacher. She has taught several elementary grades during those 15 years and is happy to be back in first grade, where her heart is. Jodi also develops…
Cinque Terre Vacation dream destination or dream project/client? Both!! This project was such a joy to work on. Even though it made my heart ache a bit for Italy. I’ve did not make it to the Cinque Terre when I visited Italy, but I can tell you for certain where I’m staying when I go!…
Essential Living Made Simple focuses on health, wellness and fitness. With the twist of doing it all naturally. You will find tips on living naturally from the best natural deodorant to tackling allergies. This project is a Custom Design and included the Logo/Branding. What Lindsay had to say: I highly recommend Bellano Web Studios for…
Jersey Girl Gone South is a teaching resource site. If you are looking for Kid-Friendly Curriculum and Complete Unit Resources head over and take a look. Erin has been selling printable products on Teachers Pay Teachers for a while and was ready to take her blogging to the next level. This project is a Complete Solution and…
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