My Bargain Buddy

My Bargain Buddy has been helping consumers find the best deals since 1999. You will find amazing deals, bargain, and coupon codes…but you will also find recipes and financial hacks to help you make the most of all your dollars. I am amazed at the wealth of information Karen provides to her readers.  It was great to work with Karen on her vision and to update her site to be mobile responsive.

This project is a Custom Design and included the Logo/Branding. It also includes a bunch of special features to display the sale prices, coupon codes, previous prices and expiration dates in a way that it is easy on the backend for Karen to input the information and add links and images. Check out the category pages and the features in the sidebar. And don’t miss the “did you catch this deal” at the end of each deal post to grab deals that are still current.

From Karen:

All good! The site looks AMAZING!….I’m thrilled with your work!!

And it looks great on mobile!!

My Bargain Buddy


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