Out of this World Literacy

Out of this World Literacy is written by Jen Bengel and is a teaching site focused mostly on Literacy. Jen’s goal is to provide teaching tips, resources and trainings for teachers and homeschooling parents, so that we can help all our kids reach their highest potential! She offers curriculum and online courses and also selling over at Teachers Pay Teachers. Jen in a regular on Facebook live and providing tons of value to her followers. Check out her site and make sure you also follow her on Facebook.  Jen was awesome to work with and I love working with teachers.

This project is a Custom Design and included Logo/Branding. I also completed a Blogger to WordPress migration. Watch the video on the homepage and she’ll direct you around the new site and how to find everything.

Out of this World Literacty


It’s also mobile responsive, of course.Out of this World Literacy


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