Spring Cleaning Your Website: 9 Essential Tips for Website Maintenance

Keep Your Website Running Smoothly with Regular Website Maintenance

It’s time for Spring Cleaning!

If you thought spring cleaning was only for your house and yard, you’re in for a surprise, my friend. It’s time to give your website some love and attention with some good old website maintenance. Don’t let your site gather dust and cobwebs – regular maintenance is key to keeping it secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. Want to know how to do it? Follow the steps below and give your website the spring cleaning it deserves!

Don’t forget to add website maintenance to your spring cleaning checklist!

9 Steps to Spring Clean Your Blog

  1. Run all your updates.
    It’s important to keep your website up-to-date with the latest versions of WordPress, your theme, and all your plugins. This ensures that your site is secure and running smoothly. Before you update, be sure to back up your site, so you can easily restore it if anything goes wrong.

  2. Remove plugins that you are no longer using.
    Having too many plugins can slow down your site, so it’s a good idea to deactivate and delete any plugins that you’re no longer using. This will also help keep your site organized and easier to manage.

  3. Delete the Admin User.
    By default, WordPress creates an “Admin” user account, which can be a security risk. It’s best to create a new user account with your own name and administrator privileges, and then delete the old Admin account. This will make it harder for hackers to gain access to your site.

  4. Update your Admin email.
    It’s important to keep your email address up-to-date, so you don’t miss any important notifications from your website. Make sure your email address is current in your site’s general settings.

  5. Check for broken links.
    Broken links can negatively affect your site’s SEO, so it’s important to stay on top of them. No one wants to have readers land on the 404 page. You can add the Broken Links Checker plugin to help you stay up to date on broken links. It’s free and easy to use, you can even fix or unlink right from the dashboard without visiting each page or post with a broken link. After you install the plugin, go to your dashboard and then go to Tools >> Broken Links. Then hover over any links in the list to see the options (edit URL, unlink, etc).

  6. Check how your site looks on mobile devices.
    It’s not just about the desktop anymore. People are all about that mobile life, and if your website isn’t up to par, you’re missing out! Make sure your site looks good on all devices, big and small. Don’t let your website be the one that people struggle to read and navigate on their smartphones and tablets. Take the time to check and make sure your site is easy on the eyes, no matter the screen size. Trust me, your users will thank you!

  7. Proofread.
    Typos and grammatical errors can make your site look unprofessional. Take the time to proofread your content carefully. I love Grammarly to help me stay on top of typos and grammar (it is a cloud-based typing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes and it offers appropriate replacements for errors it locates).

  8. Consider adding internal links.
    Internal links are the secret weapon to improve your site’s SEO and keep your readers engaged. These links take your readers on a journey from one page to another, like a scavenger hunt, but without the sweat. Not only does it keep your users interested, but it also helps search engines understand the content on your site. So don’t be shy, sprinkle some internal links here and there and keep your users clicking and reading for more.

  9. Consider updating your WordPress theme.
    If your site is looking dated or if your theme is no longer being supported, it might be time to update to a newer theme. A fresh look can help keep your site looking modern and up-to-date. Check our these 7 Reasons to Update your WordPress Theme.

Time to Implement a Regular Website Maintenance Program!

Don’t forget about your website this spring! Just like your house and garden, it needs some love and attention too. Regular website maintenance can make all the difference in keeping your site secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want their website to be smooth as butter? So, don’t be lazy and put in the work. Check those broken links, update that WordPress theme, and sprinkle in those internal links like confetti. You’ll be surprised at how much a little website TLC can do for your user experience and SEO. Trust me, your website and your readers will thank you!

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Spring Color Palettes

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Are you ready for a website you love?

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Website Maintenance

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