Five Reasons to Start Blogging

Every business can benefit from adding a blog section to its website. Yes, that’s right I said every business. It’s not enough to have a killer about page or a high converting landing or services page. Here are five reasons to start blogging and why adding a blog to your website should be part of your marketing and content strategy.

Why should I blog?

1. Attract those customers!

We all want more visitors to our websites. That is the whole reason we have these beautiful online spaces. How does your ideal client find you? They either already know of you or they Google a topic they are interested in, like “why should I blog?”

Writing blog posts about topics your clients and customers are interested in can bring traffic to your site. Add a bit of SEO strategy like keywords, a good title, meta descriptions, and great images and you will give Google and other search engines what they like.

NOTE: I use and recommend the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress sites. It is pretty easy to get started with and it’s fun to see what you can tweak to get the little green light on each post.

2. More content to feed the Google machine

Each time you write a blog post you create a new opportunity for search engines to find your site and present it to a potential reader or customer’s search results. Google LOVES fresh content. New content tells the search engines that your site is current and reminds them to check (or crawl) your site.

3. Repurpose

Share your blog posts on social media. Are you struggling for content to share on Instagram and other social media platforms? You can push your blog posts out to all your social media platforms automatically with plugins. Use a plugin to add opportunities for your readers to easily share your posts to their social media accounts (I love Social Rocket).

Repurpose your content as captions for social media. For instance, I plan to share this post on Instagram over the week with several shorter, separate posts, and maybe I will even create a reel. Blog content can give you weeks of social media content to share.

Don’t forget about Pinterest! Make Pinterest-sized, shareable images for your post in Canva. By using Social Rocket or another social share plugin you can set the image you want to be shared to Pinterest to allow you to have a vertical image on Pinterest Pinterest is becoming a go-to search engine and can bring you a lot of traffic if you are not already set up your Pinterest account for success.

4. Long-term results

Your blog posts will bring traffic for the long term by answering the questions your clients, customers, and readers have in blog posts, and they will be searchable for as long as they are published. This means you can visitors can find your posts for years after a post is published.

Writing blog posts that answer questions can also be beneficial when you have new clients or customers asking those questions. You can direct them to your blog post where you have explained those steps or answers and save yourself some time.

5. Build your know, like, and trust factor

We know that customers like to work with or purchase products from real people. A blog can help your potential clients and customers get to know you better. Each piece of content builds your credibility and demonstrates your knowledge. You have valuable, helpful content to share with your audience, and use your website as the go-to place to learn more about your services, your industry, and you and your business.

You already have a beautiful website. Adding a blog section is free advertising and the opportunity to reach more people with your services or products. Remember blogging is not just for lifestyle and food bloggers…it’s also for you!

Are you ready for a website you love?

If you are ready for a redesign or your first website and the thought of figuring it all out makes your heart race a bit and leaves you overwhelmed I got you covered! My specialty is taking your wish list and blending your personality with the functionality you need for an online presence that makes you proud. Let’s create a stunning first impression and a website where you can stand out online.

Five reasons to start blogging

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