Rising Lotus Wings

Rising Lotus Wings is a place to transform your life from the inside out. Tania’s calling is to help you move through the obstacles on your path and awaken your true Divine essence. 

I love how Tania’s site turned out, it’s so soothing and peaceful. You know it makes my little heart happy when a client loves purple as much as I do. 🙂  Check the site out and see if Tania is a good fit for you on your journey. She is a sweet spirit. 

Rising Lotus Wings

Nice words from Tania:

When I set out on this journey to create a website, I knew in my mind how I wanted it to look and feel, but putting that into words was challenging. 

Thauna was able to turn my thoughts into reality, an actual living, breathing website that delivered exactly what I was hoping for. 

In addition to that, she is detailed, structured and highly organized, which allowed me to stay focused on writing copy and maintaining a stress-free working process. 

I am so happy that I found her and I know you will be too!

And the looks just as beautiful on mobile devices!

Rising Lotus Wings

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