Love is in the air. Are you in love with your business?

Find the love for your business again

Feeling the love for your biz fade away? No worries, it happens to the best of us! But it’s time to reignite that spark and fall head over heels for your biz once again. Here are a few tips to help you get back on track and feel the love again. Get ready to fall in love all over again!

  • Find a mentor. Are you in Facebook groups for your type of work or do you follow others that you admire on Instagram? Reach out to a few people who inspire you and ask them on a virtual coffee date. Chatting about the daily grind with a colleague can lift the burden and help you to not feel alone. If you find someone to brainstorm with that is even better. 
  • Be a mentor. Make yourself available to others who are just starting out. You have so much to offer and sharing what you love about your work will help reignite the spark of joy and excitement inside of you as well as help someone else.
  • Add a new service. Is there something new you can offer your audience? We all love shiny new things and offering a new product or service can really help dust off the cobwebs. It’s challenging and exciting with the added perk of a new revenue stream.
  • Take a break. If you are hitting burnout level, take a break. Take a little vacation or even a 3-day weekend away from work and social media can refresh you and help you refocus when you return. If you can’t do a 3-day weekend try a day or even an afternoon. Work your butt off all morning and then go to lunch with friends and spend the rest of the day cleaning the house or watching Netflix. Do something different and treat yourself. And enjoy it!
  • Delegate tasks you dread. Invest in a VA for a few hours a week or even a month to handle some of the tasks you don’t enjoy. 
  • Streamline your processes. If you are doing the same things over and over, think about how you can automate it or at least duplicate it efficiently. Take an objective look at where you can increase your productivity. It will energize you to conquer something that has been a time suck. 
  • Take time to work ON your business. Do some of the backend tasks; schedule social media, write blog posts, and catch up on your accounting. It’s never fun to be behind and consistently feeling like you are trying to catch up can drain the love and passion from you quick. Schedule a regular time to handle all your “business-y” tasks. 
  • Join an in-person meetup or a Facebook group. Socializing with people who are doing the same work can be inspiring. It can help you find a mentor or give you the opportunity to be a mentor. The simple act of talking to people who really understand is invaluable. 
  • Remember the good. Remind yourself of your “why”. Why did you start this business? Why do you love it? What are the benefits of having your own business? Write down a gratitude list focusing on your business and those you serve. 

With a little effort and focus you can fall back in love with your business and keep those love fires burning. Being in love with what you do makes the work fun. And having fun at work or work that feels like play makes it all worth it and is even better than the money. 

**I’ve been writing about this topic again, it must be near and dear to my heart. Read my 2023 version here.

Find the love for your business again

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