
Dare to Repurpose: Unlock the Value in your Content

Content creation is an essential part of any successful business, but it can be challenging and time-consuming. With blog posts, social content, and newsletters to write it can become overwhelming at times. Repurposing your content is an effective way to get more mileage out of the material you’ve already written.

5 reasons to repurpose your content

  1. Save time
  2. Drive more traffic to your website
  3. Improve engagement
  4. Expand on an idea or concept with more detail
  5. Update outdated content

How to repurpose your content

Have you wondered how to get the most out of your content? Repurposing content is a way to reuse old blog posts, social media captions, and/or newsletters to either create something new or reshare on different platforms.

Here are 8 tips for getting the most out of your content by repurposing it.

  1. Use existing material to create something new. For example, if you have a blog post about vacation destinations, consider turning it into an infographic or video for social media channels.
  2. Update outdated information in a new post. If the old post is still relevant to a portion of your audience leave the original in place and write a new post with more up-to-date content. For example, my Genesis posts still get traffic but most can be rewritten with a focus on Kadence.
  3. Rewrite and republish older (but still relevant) blog posts with new graphics and rewrite portions. Republish with the current date.
  4. Take a newsletter and rewrite as a blog post.
  5. Use a blog post to create several social media posts. Don’t forget to link to your blog post.
  6. Reuse a long social media caption by creating a blog post.
  7. Use a social media carousel as inspiration for a newsletter. You will have a few people who might see both but not many people see or remember everything you share.
  8. Look at your social media insights for old content that did well and either reuse it on social channels or write a blog post from the content.

Wondering if you should add a blog to your site?
Read this: Five Reasons to Start Blogging

Repurposing content can be an invaluable part of your content creation strategy. Content is more valuable when it can reach more people in various formats. By following these 8 tips, you can maximize the impact of your content and get the most out of your writing. With a bit of creativity and strategic planning, one piece of good content can serve you in several ways.

Happy repurposing!

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Repurpose your Content

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